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Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Thoughts on Education Today

I am just going to jot down some of my thoughts on the following topics:
Social Capital
The "Y" generation as it has been labelled, I feel lacks family values. There seems to be a lack of consequences in many situations in today's society. Teachers have had their authority removed and thus are unable to teach effectively due to the trouble makers and a lack of authority. I feel it comes down to a lack of respect from the student. I feel that modern technology is producing anti-social individuals with no active imagination and no communication skills. I find that many of them have delayed cognitive skills and surely the development of their peripheral vision would be delayed.

After reading "Future Work" i feel that the technological age has contributed to this conundrum. With the cost of living rising and the need to acquire these technological gadgets it is necessitiating the need for families to have both parents working to live in what our society deems as comfortably. The flow on from this: fast food
child care
out sourcing domestic duties and skills
less interaction with children
so on and so forth

With the access to all of these new fantastic technologies the world is shrinking. Globalisation is contributing to the need for competition in all aspects of daily life. (goods, services, marketing, micro and macro economics etc) therefor the is great emphasis on getting "Value". As I have worked in hospitality and retail for most of my life I have experienced first hand that the retail companies are training their workers to be the best in customer service as that will give them the edge. All of the training is based around being better that your competitor, having good communication skills, being a team player, pro active, accountable and above all sell sell sell. Mystery shoppers are becoming popular in the retail sector. Customer Service is becoming the all important focus across all industries.

"Flexible organisations reduce waste and increase the productivity of both labour and capital by integrating "thinking" and "doing" at all levels of their operations" (pg. 10. A Primer on the Knowledge Economy)

So in my opinion the technology age requires workers to be all of the above but is producing the most ant-social, self absorbed, rude individuals of any generation yet. (with acceptions)

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