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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Previous Embedded Learning Experience

Back in 2003 I attempted to do my Graduate Bachelor of Education in Primary School. Frankly the "little ones" fightened the pants off me!!!
If I wasn't dealing with a behavioural management problem, then I was wanting to take students home to give them a good feed and a big hug. However, I did manage to take a class to find out a little about my students and give them a little information about me.
It was a project to find out about what they like. I also contributed to the project (you can see my "what I like" images and a drawing of me at the top of the project).
The children primarily worked by themselves on this project but had a great time searching through magazines to find images of the things that they liked. As they had already been together for quite a few weeks before I joined them, it was great to see that they were offering images to one another, because they knew that that person liked the object they had found an image of. I think I learned more about the students watching them do the project, than I did looking at the finished task.
As my next post will be about creating my Wiki and e-journal, I thought I would reflect a little on this experience and focus on how I may have done this utilising the technologies I am using now.

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