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Monday, March 22, 2010


I found this clip looking for something educational but decided to go with this one as I am very slow at keeping up with technology. Some of you will need to close your mouths after viewing this!


  1. Hi Emma, thanks a lot for posting this video, it's excellent! I think the main thing this highlights to me is that technology is developing and changing so rapidly that as we have been reading in our course notes, many of the jobs are students will be doing when they leave school will be ones that don't exist yet for companies that haven't been created yet! We really need to find ways to keep up with technology as teachers so we can help our students make the most of what is available to them.
    Primary p/t

  2. Hi Carolyne,
    thanks for yu input. I am sorry that you only got half of the clip. I am attemptying to rectify it so you can see the whole thing. I also just started my Wiki. It is about a hobby my husband and I do. I will be posting more imagages to in soon.
    I love all the comments and hard work you are doing for the course and wonder where on earth you get the time to do all this?
    am realling looking forward to catching up with you at the next res school.

  3. Hi Emma,
    Nice clip. I am impressed by some of the statistics used in this clip. A lot of people I know are already using phones and Ipods for internet use. Carolyne made an interesting point of the fact we are teaching students skills to prepare them for jobs which currently do not exist. Therefore as teachers we need to keep up to date with technologies as much as possible and use them wherever possible within the classroom to give the students the best chance to learn these technologies that are going to be important to them in their future jobs.
    Secondary, HPE and Maths.
