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Monday, March 22, 2010

Learning Styles and Personalities

Differential learning styles and personalities pose issues and challenges for those of us entering the teaching profession. We need to take many things into consideration:
  • different levels of literacy
  • different schemas
  • diverse abilities
  • personality clashes
  • personal circumstances
This is not a new challenge for teachers, it is now about becoming aware of these issues and how to deal with them. Because of my personal "Habits of Mind" and "Schema", I need to become aware of, and empathetic towards all different types of students. How do I ensure that my class room space will provide a good learning environment?
One would be to use Mazlows Heirarchy of Needs and Dimension 1 (Attitudes and Perceptions) from Dimensions of Learning. Using principles pertaining to having a good "Classroom Climate" (Marzano J. and Pickering J. 1997 pg.15).
The second would be to consider the Auditory, Visual and Kinesthetic modes of teaching. Combining these would create and environment suitable for 90% of the students to learn effectively, but the real challenge will be to engage the 10% of students that don't respond to these pedagogys.
I am also a firm believer in "Good Vibes". I am an "up", positive person and find that a positive attitude becomes infectious. The greater the amount of positive energy in a confined space can soon change the negativity that some individuals may have. If There is a pessimist in a group of optimists they soon change their tune. It can work in the opposite way too!
The nick name my art students has given me is "Mrs Out of Your Comfort Zone". I am constantly challenging their abilities and creating new and interesting tasks for them to complete. Half the time they don't even realise they are learning something new. Keep it fun and keep it "up".
My theory: relevant content + fun + clear instructions = successful outcomes.

"It is the shared responsibility of the teacher and the students to work to maintain positive attitudes and perceptions or, when possible, to change negative attitudes and perceptions." (Marzano & Pickering. 1997. pg. 13)

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